Seeing things from the other side

Seeing things from the other side
One of the protesters was arrested by police. The crowd followed them, until they got near the police station, and at a "sidewalk closed" sign (due to construction). People were told to stay back. I couldn't shoot the protesters from in front of them, but I noticed I got a shot of front of the protesters in the police officer's sunglasses, which I thought was neat.

Arrest Leads the March

Arrest Leads the March
While at the Harry Hays Building (federal government offices) protesters were told to stay off the plaza area, because it was "private property". The person seen her being taken by police came back there at the end of the protest, and was arrested. However, I don't have the details of what if anything he was charged with. I think I heard him say they said there was a warrant on him.

No, you won’t bust my camera

No, you won't bust my camera
This is a neo-Nazi who had just told photographers that he would bust the camera of anybody who took his picture. Naturally, photographers took his picture anyhow, and he tried knocking a camera out of one's hands (not me). According to news reports, he is accused of hitting a photographer with a skateboard. I don't remember seeing that (just him going for the guy), but was intentionally staying back, and missed some significant details (looking through a long lens limits what you see). The police promptly detained him. He kept on acting tough and threatening, seemingly trying to go for photogs, even when being taken away. On this matter, the cops did a great job. They only interfered with criminals.

MacCon covers-up for Calgary police misconduct

MacCon covers-up for Calgary police misconduct
This is part of what I recovered of the pictures that the Calgary Police Service (working with a private security company) forced me to "delete". Unfortunately, I seem to have permanently lost most of the image data (both missing whole images and most data in the two that survived). In a weird quirk, my camera's habit of frequently "freezing" and corrupting images, is what might have saved this image. My camera can't display corrupted images like this (I cropped out the bad part), so this appeared all black, during the review for images to be deleted. The good images, seem to be unrecoverable.

Calgary police brutality cover-up?

Calgary police brutality cover-up?
This is part of what I recovered of the pictures that the Calgary Police Service (working with a private security company) forced me to "delete". Unfortunately, I seem to have permanently lost most of the image data (both missing whole images and most data in the two that survived). In a weird quirk, my camera's habit of frequently "freezing" and corrupting images, is what might have saved this image. My camera can't display corrupted images like this, so this appeared all black, during the review by the security guard. Previous to that, the cop who took my camera basically gave up on it, since the main display is dead, and he couldn't figure it out, leaving to the undereducated security guard. The good images, seem to be unrecoverable.

Denise rides off with cops

Denise rides off with cops
Protester Denise Ogonoski can be seen in the back seat, being taken away by police. She was taken in because she had climbed up a light pole to put up a Tibetan flag outside the Chinese consulate. One thing that concerned me after this happened, was I overheard another protester asking where Denise was taken, and the police officer didn't seem to know or care to find out.

Defiant protester escorted by police

Defiant protester escorted by police
Protester Denise Ogonoski had just gotten down from a light pole she used to display the Tibetan flag. She was being taken away by police.

Police arrest Aryan Guard supporter

Police arrest Aryan Guard supporter
This is one of the photos I took of a demonstration by a small group of Nazis (organized by the Aryan Guard) and a much larger group of anti-racists opposing the Nazis at Calgary's City Hall on Saturday, October 14, 2007. A guy with the Aryan Guard group was arrested after throwing a water bottle.

Racism Rally 2007-10-14 088

Racism Rally 2007-10-14 088
This is one of the photos I took of a demonstration by a small group of Nazis (organized by the Aryan Guard) and a much larger group of anti-racists opposing the Nazis at Calgary's City Hall on Saturday, October 14, 2007. They guy in white was with the racists, and was arrested for throwing a water bottle at an anti-racist who allegedly pulled his mask off.