Research Assistant Services

If you are a researcher, I’m available to assist you in your research.  I can gather research online, on any given topic.

An example of what I was able to do was researching a certain type of business online for an academic, to determine it’s presence in a geographic area.  Then, creating a database in MySQL.  I did all the data entry, and I created a full set of reports, that were all accessible online (through a private website, only the client can access).  I acquired data through a mix of manual entry and automated conversion of online data that I found.

I am able to take care of a lot of the “drudge” work that often keeps a researcher from focusing on their area of expertise.  I gather raw data into something useful to the researcher.  Everything I do is entirely customized to the researcher.

If you have a project, feel free to contact me at or (807)632-3756.