How to fix a corrupted Installation list in Softaculous, a web installation management application. The underlying data file can be manually deleted, and the install list can be automatically regenerated.
I recently worked on a new website for the Social Science Action Research Group (SSARG). SSARG is made up of social sciences and humanities specialists who provide consulting, research, writing, and editorial services to individuals, government agencies, community and not-for-profit organizations, and private businesses. You can see it at
As mentioned in my last post, I tried out CakePHP, which is a PHP framework for web development. I like a lot of the ideas of it, and the structure it provides. But, it seems to not have enough of a user base to have a substantial “ecosystem”, which Laravel has. So, I’m giving a Laravel … Continue reading CakePHP to Laravel
My latest discovery in the world of PHP is CakePHP. It is a framework for developing web applications in PHP. I’m not an expert in it yet, but so far it’s looking pretty interesting. It seems to have a significant but not huge following. The neat thing about it, is gives a strong order to … Continue reading CakePHP
This site now has an SSL certificate. That means any communication you, as a user, have with the site is transmitted securely between you and the host. You’ll notice the address on the web browser starts with “https”, and typically shows a “locked” green lock icon, to indicate the site is secure.
This post is about some difficulty I had in making an Apache OpenOffice Base “odb” front end work with an MySQL database backend on Mac OS X, and how I got things working. I originally had an Apache OpenOffice (AOO) Base “odb” file working on Windows, accessing MySQL with ODBC. The “odb” file had a … Continue reading Mixing OpenOffice/LibreOffice, MySQL, MacOS/Windows, and ODBC/JDBC
Like many, I’ve often downloaded financial transactions from my bank’s web site. The options for my bank (in Canada), is fairly typical, and limited to “Microsoft Money”, “Intuit Quicken”, “Intuit QuickBooks”, “Simply Accounting”, “Spreadsheet (CSV)”. Now, I don’t use any of the above accounting programs. I want the data to play around with, and use … Continue reading Importing bank transactions