South Sudanese Supporting UN Help

South Sudanese Supporting UN Help
On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 a group of people from the South Sudanese community rallied for peace in Sudan. They support Hilde Johnson as the head of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan in its efforts to bring peace. This group is the polar opposite of the March 24, 2014 rally, which also took place outside City Hall. The earlier group demonized Johnson and the UN (showing what I considered a highly offensive caricature of her as seen here). Fortunately, both events were peaceful.

Syria Freedom Rally

Syria Freedom Rally
This was a rally to support people seeking freedom in Syria. Since the protests began last year, every Saturday at 2pm a group of people, mainly from Calgary's Syrian community hold a rally for this cause. On this day people associated with the Occupy Calgary also decided to hold a rally for the same cause, and were present when I was there. I was only there for a limited time, so didn't see who came and left before and after. I'm not sure how much the two groups interacted.

Light in the background

Light in the background
This was taken at a media scrum, held by Bill Bruce, head of Animal & Bylaw Services for Calgary. The person seen here (who was snapping a picture of Bruce) is one of the protesters and campers from the Olympic Plaza camp. There were a couple questions asked by the protesters (not really answered) and after Bruce answered questions, three of the protesters held their own scrum.

No, you won’t bust my camera

No, you won't bust my camera
This is a neo-Nazi who had just told photographers that he would bust the camera of anybody who took his picture. Naturally, photographers took his picture anyhow, and he tried knocking a camera out of one's hands (not me). According to news reports, he is accused of hitting a photographer with a skateboard. I don't remember seeing that (just him going for the guy), but was intentionally staying back, and missed some significant details (looking through a long lens limits what you see). The police promptly detained him. He kept on acting tough and threatening, seemingly trying to go for photogs, even when being taken away. On this matter, the cops did a great job. They only interfered with criminals.

A view against racism

A view against racism
Taken at an anti-racist rally outside City Hall in downtown Calgary on Sunday, March 21, 2010. The ARA (Anti-Racist Action) was countering the Aryan Guard, which previously would stage a 30-60 person "white pride" march on this day of the year, but this year, just had a few random people show up (none in this particular picture).

Police photographer monitors pot protest

Police photographer monitors pot protest
The Calgary Police had a substantial presence. They mainly watched and took lots of pictures. There were a few arrests, but not many, and relations between police and demonstrators remained civil throughout.