FlickR Tag: house
Photos of house that were originally uploaded to FlickR
All lights, no house
A house in Capital Hill, with the top of a building at SAIT in the background. I got some other shots that actually show the house, using long exposure, or using flash, but I somehow like this a little more at the moment. The flash was actually supposed to fire here, but didn't for some reason (despite what the EXIF says).
House at night
Snow, snow, go away
Night house
My first experiment with night time photography (30 second shutter) wtih my new Rebel T1i was of this newly constructed house that's on the market. This is in the inner city, so it was far from pitch black, but my eyes couldn't see most of the detail seen here. Not very pretty, but I find it a little neat. So, now I totally have to go take pics in a park at night.
Deane House 2
This picture I took of The Deane House Retaurant & Historic Site in Inglewood appears on page 12 of the book Haunted Houses (ISBN 978-1-59716-573-0) by Dinah Williams. According to the 2008 children's book, when it was used as a boarding house, a number of people died, and stayed on to haunt the place. I had not heard of the ghost stories when I took the picture.