Merry Christmas in the OP

Merry Christmas in the OP
I found a few pieces of what I assume was a display set here. They were lying separate and I put them together for this photo. This photo can use some fixing. There's some blue in the snow that I need to remove. I tried using a "White Balance" spot fix, but I didn't really have a proper reference point. So, I just need to de-saturate the snow separately. But, I posted it now, because I still like it. It's probably my favorite shot of the day.

Dance With France 25

Dance With France 25
This is one of the pictures I took at Olympic Plaza in downtown Calgary, Alberta on November 17, 2007. The Calgary Downtown Association and the Calgary Stampede organized a "Season of Wonder" event. Prior to the main events, Dance With France put on some dance performances. Two of the young dancers are in the foreground.