Eye see you

Eye see you

In another pic of Sandeep, it was suggested that the eyes should be brighter. In this one, I got a sharper brighter picture of the eye closest to the camera. With a shallow DoF, and shadow, the other eye is less clear. I like this effect, but not sure if others agree.

I used Photoshop to soften the focus outside the eyes.

This is from my photoshoot with models Jasleen, Mandeep, and Sandeep at Fish Creek Park on April 16, 2010.

The models were all great to work with. I greatly appreciate the thought, time, and effort they put in.

I ‘ve also appreciated the feedback I’ve gotten from viewers. I’ve got lots to learn, and welcome input.

Photographer: Robert Thivierge

Date Taken2010-04-16 11:33:16
FlickR Views201
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