FlickR Tag: Lauren McKamey
Photos of Lauren McKamey that were originally uploaded to FlickR
Sun and Salsa 2007 106
Sun and Salsa 2007 105
Sun and Salsa 2007 104
Sun and Salsa 2007 103
Sun and Salsa 2007 102
Sun and Salsa 2007 101
Sun and Salsa 2007 100
Lauren McKamey smiles
Amoreena, Veronica, Adwoa, Jessica, and Lauren
Sun and Salsa 2007 095
Veronica, Jessica, Amoreena, Adwoa, and Lauren
Adwoa, Nicole, Lauren, and Kym
Sun and Salsa 2007 079
Lauren, Veronica, and Adwoa
Lauren McKamey and Adwoa Yamoah
Veronica Millan and Lauren McKamey
Lauren McKamey walks the runway
Lauren McKamey walks the runway as part of the fashion show at the 2007 Sun and Salsa Festival, put on in the Kensington Business Revitalization Zone, in Calgary Alberta. It was held Sunday July 22. It featured fashion from Kensington area merchants. Lauren also competed in the Miss Sun and Salsa Pageant.