FlickR Tag: musian
Photos of musian that were originally uploaded to FlickR
House Doctors 07
This is my picture of the band House Doctors at Olympic Plaza in downtown Calgary, Alberta. Unfortunately, lighting was rather difficult for my camera, and none of my shots turned out that great. I saw the same band on August 25, 2008 at the Eau Claire Y. The concert here at Olympic Plaza, to me, was higher quality, with better sound; I assume due to a better setup.
Emily Triggs sings
Jadesong plays guitar
This is one of the pictures I took of a gathering of buskers and city representitives, to discuss new rules for buskers in Calgary. It was held at Olympic Plaza in downtown Calgary to let people know that buskers can now legally perform in far more places, and without requiring a permit or payment of fees. There was a mix of announcements, discussion, and performance. More information is available on Facebook in the group called "The Calgary Buskers/Street Performers Community".