FlickR Album: Anti-SPP Protest 2007-08-19
These pictures were taken at the Calgary protest against the Security and Prosperity Partnership(SPP). Given how few people know what "SPP" stands for, the turnout was pretty good (maybe 30-50ish is my wild guesse). The event was organized by Lindsay Ross (a first for her), and included the "usual" anti-globalization groups.
It was nice to have a protest after there seemed to be so few for the summer. It was perfect protest weather. Good, but not to good.
The organizer was pretty smart in keeping things short and simply. It started at City Hall and they marched (aka crossed the street) to the U.S. consulate, which is just kitty corner. I’ve been to other marches, where they run a long trek across several blocks, causing the less youthful/healthy of us, to drop out.
You can read what Lindsay Ross (the organizer) wrote about the event here.