A familiar face takes a look back

A familiar face takes a look back
Grant Neufeld is one of the more well known activists in Calgary for some time. So, it wasn't surprising to seem him here. It was generally hard to get photos, because of how everyone was gathered around in a circle, so that all I could get was people's backs. So, I had to wait for a head turn.

Comic Two Feathers

Comic Two Feathers
Not exactly sure what the megaphone was for. I think she was a volunteer and/or staff. I realize this is a bit blurry (saying "soft" sounds better), but lighting was tough. Any more than 400 ISO, and things get spotty. So, I ended up with a shutter speed of 1/20. So, I'm looking it wasn't more blurry.

Speaking against Condi in Calgary

Speaking against Condi in Calgary
Joanne Costello spoke to the crowd about Condoleezza Rice. The former U.S. Secretary of State was inside the Hyatt (off camera, to the right). You can read Costello's thoughts on Rice in the Marginal Notes blog entry titled "My University is Being Hijacked and Condi is Among the Terrorists!".

Megaphone against the SPP

Megaphone against the SPP
This is one of the photos I took at the anti-SPP rally held outside of Calgary City Hall on February 16, 2008. There was a good turnout, especially considering there was a rather unpleasant cold wind, with some snow. It was supposed to have been a nice weather day, but this is Calgary, so we expect the unexpected.

Anti-SPP Rally 2008-02-16 14

Anti-SPP Rally 2008-02-16 14
This is one of the photos I took at the anti-SPP rally held outside of Calgary City Hall on February 16, 2008. There was a good turnout, especially considering there was a rather unpleasant cold wind, with some snow. It was supposed to have been a nice weather day, but this is Calgary, so we expect the unexpected.