FlickR Tag: statue
Photos of statue that were originally uploaded to FlickR
Giant Steel Bird on Stephen Avenue
Metal Star (white balance auto)
Metal Star (white balance corrected)
I took this is on a night time (when night starts at 5:08pm) photo walk (take a guess where in Calgary). I haven't figured out if I prefer it with the white balance "fixed" or with the shot setting (see previous photo). A third version, is with a flash, so the foreground is "correct" white, and the background has the redish look.
Louise McKinney behind PeaceRoots
Women in Black is an international movement and network of women in different cities, each acting independently. They regularly hold silent vigils, in support of peace and against violence in general. The group in Calgary is seen on the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month, at Famous Five statues, which are located at Olympic Plaza.
Emily Murphy with Women in Black
Women in Black is an international movement and network of women in different cities, each acting independently. They regularly hold silent vigils, in support of peace and against violence in general. The group in Calgary is seen on the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month, at Famous Five statues, which are located at Olympic Plaza.