FlickR Tag: speaker
Photos of speaker that were originally uploaded to FlickR
Jill Belland at Fashion Show
David Bronconnier to Wheels in Motion
Uniform workout with Tara Robinson
Speaking for disability rights
Disability Pride Speach at Olympic Plaza
Speaking against Condi in Calgary
Post Walk and Run Ceremonies
Speaking for the CBC in Calgary
Speaking for the pillow fighters
Falun Dafa victims
Caren Wright performs
Stephanie Norn (aka Spark) speaks to crowd 3
Stephanie Norn (aka Spark) speaks to crowd 1
Stephanie Norn was one of the buskers who spoke at the gathering. Stephenie, a professional circus performer, argued that properly qualified people, like herself, should be able to do more dangerous acts, like fire-eating, provided they meet appropriate requirements, such as proper insurance. She came dressed as her persona "Stephanie Spark".