Police watching Lilac Festival

Police watching Lilac Festival
As usual there's a large, and somewhat excessive police presence at the Lilac Festival. I have no complaints about any of the police, who were all quite friendly. I just find it to be an absurd waste of money. Calgary has a silly policy of mandating a certain ratio of police to attendees, which is then billed to the organizers. That's a huge burden. And, it ignores the fact the festival has been totally peaceful throughout its history.

Skating at Olympic Plaza

Skating at Olympic Plaza
A skater at Olympic Plaza in downtown Calgary on December 14, 2011. I decided to play around with filters on Photoshop and came up with this. There was a women next to her, who happened to have her tongue out for the shot, so I cropped her out, and then used the the "content aware delete" to remove what was left.

Andrea Slobodian

Andrea Slobodian
This is Andrea Slobodian with Sun News. Despite appearing on national TV, and covering other people, she feels that taking her picture violates her privacy. Please see the description of this image for the full story.

Seal Hunt opponents at Torch ceremony

Seal Hunt opponents at Torch ceremony
Opponents of the Canadian Seal Hunt used the torch cermony as a way of getting attention for their cause. Unlike the "Olympic Resistance Network", they are not opposed to Olympics per se. It's mainly a means of garnering public attention. I would take a wid guess they had around 20 people when I was there.

Wanting Justice for Condi

Wanting Justice for Condi
Not shown here, due to cropping, is a depiction of a Condi as an ugly witch, which I had mixed feelings on including, although I've shown worse in other photos, and might upload later. I don't think somebody's exempt from criticism or parody because of their gender or appearance, but caracturing somebody based on that, isn't exactly high brow commentary. A picture depicting some of the "enhanced interrogation methods" she approved of, would do more to convey the point intended.