South Sudanese Supporting UN Help

South Sudanese Supporting UN Help

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 a group of people from the South Sudanese community rallied for peace in Sudan. They support Hilde Johnson as the head of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan in its efforts to bring peace. This group is the polar opposite of the March 24, 2014 rally, which also took place outside City Hall. The earlier group demonized Johnson and the UN (showing what I considered a highly offensive caricature of her as seen here). Fortunately, both events were peaceful.

I have to say, that a lot of protesters could take lessons from this group, on how to make signs. They obviously designed their signs for people NOT familiar with their cause (or even their country).

Photographer: Robert Thivierge

Date Taken2014-04-09 09:21:54
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