Syria Freedom Rally

Syria Freedom Rally

This was a rally to support people seeking freedom in Syria. Since the protests began last year, every Saturday at 2pm a group of people, mainly from Calgary’s Syrian community hold a rally for this cause. On this day people associated with the Occupy Calgary also decided to hold a rally for the same cause, and were present when I was there. I was only there for a limited time, so didn’t see who came and left before and after. I’m not sure how much the two groups interacted.

This day, I ended up doing a photo stroll from 17 Ave SW to 16 Ave NE in Calgary, doing a mix of political rallies, street photography, and architecture. It was cold at first, but warmed up. Overall a nice day, despite messing up with a camera setting for most shots.

Photographer: Robert Thivierge

Date Taken2012-02-11 14:14:51
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