Compassion is the Fashion

Compassion is the Fashion

I don’t have their web site, but you can see the Facebook Event page at Have A Heart, Don’t Wear Fur

I started the day here at the anti-fur rally that was going on at Tomkins Park (17 Avenue and 8 Street SW) in Calgary’s Beltline neighborhood. While here, I made a stupid mistake. Normally I shoot in RAW with high resolution JPEGS. However, I took a photo with my camera in low resolution, so I could tweet it on my cell phone more easily. But, then I left my camera in low res for the rest of the day. Woops.

This day, I ended up doing a photo stroll from 17 Ave SW to 16 Ave NE in Calgary, doing a mix of political rallies, street photography, and architecture. It was cold at first, but warmed up. Overall a nice day, despite messing up with a camera setting for most shots.

Photographer: Robert Thivierge

Date Taken2012-02-11 12:40:28
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