Calgary Wind Storm Mess

Calgary Wind Storm Mess

This is what numerous intersections looked like, with debris on the ground, and vehicles kept out.

Calgary had a wind storm on Sunday, November 27, 2011. The winds gusted up to 130km/h. Debris blew around, breaking glass, causing a hazard around numerous high rise towers. As always, there was a lot of active construction downtown, especially since this was one of the last warm days of the year. Police tried to keep people out of downtown, shutting down various intersections. A lot of confusion was caused for motorists, pedestrians, and transit users. Although, there was no official evacation. So, people could come and go, with difficulty. This is one of the pictures I took in and around the the downtown.

Photographer: Robert Thivierge

Date Taken2011-11-27 16:16:26
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