50/50 winner gives back

50/50 winner gives back

This is Henry Assen, president of the Alzheimers Society of Calgary. He had just announced the winner of the 50/50 draw, and then said that the winner, standing next to him, is his daughter. So, with a bit of encouragement, she announced she would donate the money to the Society.

This was a nice test of my (still) new camera+lens. I took this from behind the crowd, up one floor, and indoors (with skylights on a generally overcast day). In the past, with my old cameras, I’d have to be up close, and use a flash to get a reasonable result.

The Thanksgiving Memory Walk and Run was held on Sunday, October 11, 2009, starting and ending at Eau Claire Market in Calgary. It raises funds for the Alzheimer Society of Calgary to support dementia care programs and services.

Photographer: Robert Thivierge

Date Taken2009-10-11 11:36:33
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