Waving the flag of the Tamil Tigers

Waving the flag of the Tamil Tigers

A large portion of the protesters flew the Tamil Tigers emblem, featuring a tiger on top of bayoneted rifles, and a ring of bullets. I’m not sure if anybody the noticed the irony of flying a flag, featuring bayonet-tipped rifles, behind a tiger, while decrying the effects of war.

Tamil Canadians gathered outside the U.S. consulate in downtown Calgary to call on the U.S. to help Tamils in Sri Lanka. Demonstrators expressed support for the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, better known as the "Tamil Tigers", who are designated as a terrorist organization by the Canadian government. The Tamil protesters want that status ended, and want the world to pressure Sri Lanka to accept a cease fire with the Tigers.

Photographer: Robert Thivierge

Date Taken2009-04-28 11:27:22
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