In the foreground a labour group, carrying wreaths, marked theInternational Day of Mourning Workers Killed or Injured on the Job. They marched in a funeral-like procession from the Alberta Workers Compensation Board offices, along Macleod Trail (seen here), to the City of Calgary Workers’ Memorial, which is located at Edwards Place Park, on the SW corner of City Hall. It was organized in part by the Calgary and District Labour Council.
In the background, across the street, Tamil Canadians gathered outside the U.S. consulate to call on the U.S. to help Tamils in Sri Lanka. Demonstrators expressed support for the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, better known as the "Tamil Tigers", who are designated as a terrorist organization by the Canadian government. The Tamil protesters want that status ended, and want the world to pressure Sri Lanka to accept a cease fire with the Tigers. The red with yellow flags bear the Tamil Tigers emblem, which contains a tiger in front of bayoneted rifles, surrounded by a ring of bullets.
This picture was taken along Macleod Trail at 7 Avenue SE.
Photographer: Robert Thivierge
Date Taken | 2009-04-28 11:50:21 |
FlickR Views | 1,450 |
FlickR Faves | 0 |
Location | 51.046432,-114.057902 |
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