Aryan Guard against Israel

Aryan Guard against Israel

The neo-Nazi Aryan Guard are the people holding the two defaced Israeli flags. Apparently, their hatred of Israel and jews seemed to temporarily supersede their hatred of other groups, who they marched along side of.

The Nazis made up only a fraction of a percent of the overall group, and of course, nobody should think a few pictures is representative of the big picture.

The Anti-Racist Action (ARA) is one of the other groups at the protest (not seen here), and they have told me they were strongly opposed to the presence of the Aryan Guard, telling them to leave right at the start, and finally getting them to leave when the Aryan Guard started to drag the Israeli flag in the mud, which was near where the march ended, at the Harry Hays building.

Annalise Klingbeil describes the incident in the Calgary Herald (Jan 12/09) in "Aryan Guard at Gaza protest". Kevin Libin wrote a column in the National Post (Jan 12/09) titled "United under the swastika".

This is one of the pictures I took at a protest of Israel’s actions in the Gaza Strip on Saturday, January 10, 2009. It was held in downtown Calgary, starting at City Hall, and, after a march, ending at the Harry Hays Building. It was one of several held across Canada by the Canadian Peace Alliance and other organizations on the same day.

Date Taken2009-01-10 13:28:54
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