This is the old court building on 7 Avenue at 4 Street SW, by the LRT platform, which is being taken down by Hazco Environmental Services.
I took pictures previously of this site on September 30, 2008, when a worker was smashing out windows, and letting them free fall down to the ground. This picture was taken on October 2, shortly after a piece of granite crashed down onto the shelter where somebody was waiting for a train. The granite is beleived to have come from the ninth floor or the roof. Fortunately, nobody was hurt, and the only harm was a temporary closure of the platform (but not the line).
The incident appears in the Calgary Herald article "Falling rock misses commuters" (Oct 2/08) and "Close call for commuter as debris hits LRT stop (Oct 3/08) by Stephane Massinon.
Since nobody was hurt Occupational Health and Safety is not doing any investigation. They prefer to wait till after it’s too late to prevent a death or permanent injury. The only "investigation" is by the company who is to blame for the problem. The company claimed they didn’t know anybody working on that side of the building at the time, and was unsure how something become dislodged. It doesn’t take a rocket science to know that chucking debris from so high, as countless people have seen them do, can cause a very large area to be unsafe. After a brief delay and minimal safety precautions the company was allowed to resume operations.
Date Taken | 2008-10-02 13:32:44 |
FlickR Views | 535 |
FlickR Faves | 0 |
Location | 51.047073,-114.072117 |
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