This is Baitunnur mosque in the Castleridge community of North East Calgary. It is the largest Mosque in all of Canada.
It serves the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, which is a sect not recognized by most mainstream Muslim leaders and often subject to persecution in Islamic countries like Pakistan, where its illegal for them to call themselves Muslim.
There’s about 3000 Ahmadiyya Muslims in Calgary and they raised over half of the $15 million cost, with the rest coming from Ahmadiyya Muslims across Canada. Per capita, that’s an a big sacrifice.
Written in Arabic on the walls are the 99 attributes of Alla from the Qur’an.
My pictures of the mosque didn’t turn out that great. They were far to dim. When I brightened them, I made the sky look whiter then it was.
Address: 4353 54 Avenue NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Web site:
Date Taken | 2008-07-11 12:42:08 |
FlickR Views | 2,309 |
FlickR Faves | 0 |
Location | 51.101932,-113.972318 |
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