Racism Rally 2007-10-14 053

Racism Rally 2007-10-14 053

Kyle McKee is a member of the Aryan Guard . According to a a message forum post on a hate site, explaining why he doesn’t like allowing muslim women to have their heads covered, he says that he "..was charged about 2 years ago for macing some Indian and kicking him in the face.." He was also charged for committing the crime with his face covered. In his twisted mind, he actually thinks he’s the one treated unfairly.

McKee is mentioned in this Police release..

This is one of the photos I took of a demonstration by a small group of Nazis (organized by the Aryan Guard) and a much larger group of anti-racists opposing the Nazis at Calgary’s City Hall on Saturday, October 14, 2007.

Photographer: Robert Thivierge

Date Taken2007-10-14 12:50:57
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